Latest news relating to Amiga Imagine owners: 4th Sep. 1999 - Added new pictures to the gallery pages. 2nd Sep. 1999 - Updated the V5.16 "new user" archives (PPC versions of the effects were missing...) 31st Aug. 1999 - Added V5.16 "new user" version to the ACUP download new user section 28th Aug. 1999 - New ACUP release now available for download - V5.16 26 Aug. 99 - Amiga post information
and pictures at their WEB site about the Australian 16th Aug. 1999 - Iwin Corporation announced their
production plans for a range of classic Amiga compatible 12th Aug. 1999 - Amiga to Develop Games Consoles, Digital Music Players. 30th Jul. 1999 - Imagine ACUP V5.16 in beta testing stage. 28th Jul. 1999 - Amiga put pictures of the Amiga MCC online. 16th Jul. 1999 - Amiga releases the technology brief for the AmigaNG systems. 9th Jul. 1999 - Amiga selects Linux as their Next Generation OS Kernel. 29th Jun. 1999 - Added some new tutotorials to the tutorials page. 20th Jun. 1999 -
We are proud to announce a new service: Photo-realistic printing. Please refer to the 17th Jun. 1999 - Amiga announce the Big Animation Competition Powered by Amiga. 16th Jun. 1999 - Amiga announce that the Beta versions of OS3.5 are being distributed to the Beta testers. 16th May 1999 - World Of Amiga Show details. 22nd Apr. 1999 - WarpUP Release 4 is now available. It can be downloaded from 9th Apr. 1999 - Beta testing for AmigaOS 3.5 is planned to begin in May 19th Mar. 1999 - Phase5 have announced details of their Cyberstorm G3/G4 project. 16th Mar. 1999 - The official AmigaOS 3.5 WEB site has been opened at 11th Mar. 1999 - Added beta version of the ImagineGL previewer to the ACUP download page. 23nd Feb. 1999 - Added new page to the GUI comparison area. 22nd Feb. 1999 - Added new pages to the brushmaps download area. 8th Feb. 1999 - New ACUP release now available for download - V5.15 27th Jan. 1999 - Updated ACUP download page to include a "first time install" archive for new ACUP 13th Jan. 1999 - Amiga Inc. are now providing an
Amiga OS 3.5 Announcement List. Upon joining this list, Some arexx scripts added to the arexx downloads page. 22nd Dec. 1998 - Escena
announce that they are a little behind schedule with the G3 PPC cards. 21st Dec. 1998 - VillageTronic announce Voodoo project will go ahead. 18th Dec. 1998 - Warp3D and StormMesa 3.0
released by Haage & Partners. 11th Dec. 1998 - Please support the Voodoo project of VillageTronic. 5th Dec. 1998 - Security Advisory for Amiga Internet Users; It is now known that a security leak 4th Dec. 1998 - WEB site redesigned. Nov. 1998 - V5.14 of ACUP released: PPC version. The global effects now include support for the 5th Nov. 1998 - Escena announce their intentions to produce a G3 PPC card for the Amiga. |
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